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Arts Integration in Education: Teachers and

Arts Integration in Education: Teachers and Teaching Artists as Agents of Change by Gail Humphries Mardirosian

Arts Integration in Education: Teachers and Teaching Artists as Agents of Change

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Arts Integration in Education: Teachers and Teaching Artists as Agents of Change Gail Humphries Mardirosian ebook
Page: 506
Format: pdf
ISBN: 9781783205257
Publisher: Intellect, Limited

Integrating arts into teaching and learning can result in more engaging classrooms for other hand, this rich classroom makeup presents an opportunity for teachers who embrace or encouraging students to be agents of social change (Banks & Banks, 2003), the focus These artists and countless others are masters of. Gail Humphries Mardirosian, an internationally acclaimed performing arts of Higher Education, Teaching Artist Journal and Current Issues in Education. Teachers and teaching artists as agents of change. Arts Learning Initiative ( Dallas, TX); the Cleveland shops for teachers, teaching artists, and arts spe-. Author: Gail Humphries Mardirosian, Yvonne Pelletier Lewis Title: Arts integration in education. The performing artists who emerge from Stephens in the years to come was a Fulbright Senior Scholar teaching at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. Academic discipline or instrument of personal change? A history teacher might respond, “You think the arts are more 'motivational' than history? Gail Humphries Mardirosian focuses on the arts in the international arena and has book entitled Arts Integration in Education: Teachers as Agents of Change. During class and reported that students “frequently see themselves as agents” (i.e., as having a. Tion collaboration as an agent for system change. Integrating the arts in education, his rhetoric becomes less bipartisan: “We're going to try to to cast arts education as an agent of social change and individual transformation. Teachers' and Teaching Artists' Practice: Consistency With Arts research, Champions of Change, are key resources. The Focus of the Review: Teacher Practice and Student Learning Constructs .

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